Gyldendals juridiske kommentarserie
Gyldendals juridiske kommentarserie
Gyldendals juridiske kommentarserie is a series of law commentaries written by practicing lawyers. The book cover series was co-designed with Levi Bergqvist. The concept is based on a simple indent system often found in online comment fields. The design includes an extensive color palette that creates a variety within the series.
- Year: 2017–
- Client: Gyldendal Juridisk
- Co-designer: Levi Bergqvist
- Editors: Gro Trude Gjestrud, Ida Kyhring and Anne Birgitte Songe
- Print: Dimograf, Poland
- Format: 170 x 240 mm
- Binding: Geltex Silks, printed 1+0, foilblocked
- Principal type: Domaine Display Narrow